Divine Savior Church-Sienna
Weekly messages from Divine Savior Church in Sienna, TX.
Divine Savior Church-Sienna
Choosing the Right Friends | Job: Finding Peace on an Unpredictable Path
Pastor Dan Laitinen
Season 6
Episode 42
When you are going through hard times, it is so important to have good friends. Friends who will be there for you make all the difference. When a friend of yours is dealing with hardship, being there for them is important. Just your presence and your love makes a difference. Your words can too. But there are times a friend’s words are helpful, and there are times a friend’s words are not as helpful. Job had some friends who were there for him, but loading him with guilt over what was happening to him, and in the end, making him feel even worse. This week, let’s discover how best to befriend a world that is filled with pain.
~ Changing lives with Jesus!
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