Divine Savior Church-Sienna
Weekly messages from Divine Savior Church in Sienna, TX.
Divine Savior Church-Sienna
What Not to Wear | Know Greater Hope
Pastor Kevin Boushek
Season 5
Episode 25
Stop Copying the World and Start Copying Christ
We live in a fashion-conscious world. We see influential people wearing certain styles of clothes and imitate them by trying to keep up with the same fashions. We want to look the same as the world around us. We do the same thing in the way that we live. We imitate the world in the way that we act, talk, and think. Sometimes we blend right in and people don’t even know we’re different. The encouragement in this text is to stop trying to look exactly like the world around us and start imitating God instead. The benefits of being like the world are short-lived. The hope God offers lasts forever.
~ Changing lives with Jesus!
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